Celebtrated Economist Tayebwa is dead - Daily Post Uganda

Celebtrated Economist Tayebwa is dead

Author of Various books on Economics and former Makerere University lecturer Bernard Tayebwa Mugisha has gone to meet his creator.

This website understands that the Author “Principles Of Economics” book died of kidney failure.

 He has been suffering from diabetes and hypertension for about 15 years until he developed kidney failure.

The father of five was admitted at Mulago Hospital in ward 6B, under in-patient number 8002, where he was receiving dialysis under the care of nephrologists.

Tayebwa has been an outpatient, only going to hospital to undergo dialysis but with the on and off infections he had to be admitted.

Three months ago, his feet started swelling and tests revealed elevated levels of urea in his system because the kidneys were failing.

Tayebwa was forced to quit work three months ago and barely had any savings left owing to the costly treatment, which has so far cost about sh15m.  His family was spending over sh500,000 weekly on dialysis. Dialysis is the artificial process of eliminating waste from the blood.

He used to undergo two sessions a week, each costing sh200,000, exclusive of medication of sh150,000 a week.

Who is Tayebwa?

Bernard Tayebwa 54 is the author of many publications including the popular A-Level economics textbook titled, “Basic Economics” which is used in East Africa and beyond.

Tayebwa taught Economics at Makerere University from 1988 to 2008 and worked as manager of Agribusiness Unit (ABU) at Uganda Cooperative Alliance. He is also one of the founders and chairperson of Kibatsi Development Association (KDA) a community-based organization.

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