Minister of relief for disaster preparedness, Hillary Onek has told Parliament that his ministry has run out of funds to address the many natural disasters occasioned by the unusually heavy rainfall throughout the country.
Responding yesterday to pleas by lawmakers for his ministry to intervene in their constituencies over a litany of emergencies, Onek was explicit about the financial constraints facing his docket.
“The only money we have left is to relocate 250 families at risk of getting entombed by landslides in Bugisu sub-region,” Onek said in response to Rose Mutonyi’s (Bubulo West) plea for government to help traders affected by the recent burning down of a market in Manafa.
Onek revealed that he has written to the ministry of finance for his ministry to be advanced with sh18b to deal with some emerging disasters.
However, former works minister, Abraham Byandala faulted government for creating an impression that it has the ability to address all the problems afflicting citizens.
“Government cannot do everything. Be sincere and tell people to get insurance policies,” Byandala said.
Three weeks ago, the metrological authority issued a weather forecast indicating that the country is set to receive heavy rains till December.
Because of the heavy rains, lawmakers said a number of bridges have been washed away and gardens flooded raising the spectre of famine next year.