Four charged, remanded over murder of social worker Nagirinya - Daily Post Uganda

Four charged, remanded over murder of social worker Nagirinya


KAMPALA: Four people were on Monday remanded to Luzira Prisons over the kidnap and subsequent murder of social worker, Maria Nagirinya and her driver, Ronald Kitayimbwa.

On the night of August 28, unidentified men grabbed driver Ronald Kitayimbwa and Nagirinya, a former employee of Community Integrated Development Initiative, an NGO from her at her gate in Busega Lungujja before their bodies were later found in Mukono.

The late Maria Nagirinya

On Monday, four people including Coprian Kasolo, also known as Arsenal,27, Lubega Johnson aka Etoo,20, Nasif Kalyango,20 and Hassan Kisekka, 29 both boda boda riders were arraigned before the Nateete grade one magistrates court and charged with seven counts of kidnap, murder and robbery.

Prosecution told court presided over by grade one magistrate Joel Wegoye that on the night of August 28 in Nabisasiro zone, Busega, Rubaga division in Kampala district kidnapped Maria Nagirinya with an intent to murder her contrary to section 243(1)(a) of the Penal Code Act.

They four were also charged for kidnapping Kitayimbwa with an intent to murder him.

Prosecution also averred that on the fateful night, the four accused people with malice aforethought killed Nagirinya and her driver Ronald Kitayimbwa beffoe dumping their bodies in Nakitutuli swamp in Mukono district, contrary to section 188 and 189 of the Penal Code Act.

The quartet was also accused of using force and violence to rob Nagirinya’s vehicle, a Toyota Spacio, her mobile phone and shs260, 000 that she had in her bag.

They were also charged with using force to rob Kitayimbwa’s mobile phone and shs24000 that he had in his pockets on the fateful night.

The accused were not allowed to admit or deny the charges because the offences are capital in nature and can only be tried by the High Court.

The state prosecutor however told court that investigations into the matter are still ongoing, prompting the trial magistrate, Joel Wegoye to adjourn the case to September 27 for mention.

Roles played by the suspects

A few weeks ago, security led by the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) led the suspects to eight scenes of crime in the districts of Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono right from where they got boda bodas at ABC school in Nateete to Nagirinya’s home where she was kidnapped up to Mukono where her body was dumped.

The police spokesperson, Fred Enanga last week told journalists that the scene reconstruction helped security get to know the roles played by each of the suspects.

Kasolo Copriano aka Arsenal

According to the police spokesperson, Kasolo was the man captured on CCTV camera at Kinawataka driving Nagirinya’s vehicle , a Toyota Spacio registration number UBA 570V and led the mission that saw Nagirinya and Kitayimbwa kidnapped and later killed before their bodies were dumped in a swamp in Mukono.

Johnson Lubega aka Rasta

Also known as Etoo, Lubega confessed to having been the one together with Kasolo who planned the entire mission and was the second in command to the Arsenal in the mission.

Kisekka Hassan aka Masada

This, according to the police spokesperson, hired the two boda bodas from ABC Nursery and Primary School used in the mission to transport the kidnappers up to Lungujja where Nagirinya and Kitayimbwa were kidnapped from.

He is also accused of personally hitting Kitayimbwa with a car jerk on the head shortly after the kidnap and the later died.

Kalyango Nasif aka Muwonge

The Boda boda rider is accused of having transported the kidnappers cum killers on his motorcycle to Lungujja where the kidnap happened.

Following the kidnap and subsequent murder of the duo, President Museveni ordered the immediate sacking and prosecution of police officers manning the CCTV camera command control centre in Nateete over negligence.

This was after Nagirinya’s parents accused security of not helping them track the kidnappers despite being informed in time.

Consequently, 10 police officers were arrested and detained over the matter.


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